Community and Unity Kite Festival 2021

First Annual Community and Unity Kite Fly, July 17 2021
Story and Photos by Rick Spurgeon

(all photos clickable for larger version)

A call for kite flyers came out from our AKA Region 12 Rep Glen Rothstein to fly and help out at a new kite festival being held in Los Angeles. Naturally I wanted to help out our buddy and SDKC member but there was a conflict. That day was also the Annual Charity Car Show at Seaport Village which we often attend with the San Diego Miata Club.

KAP Photo – Miata Club at Seaport Village – Find thekitedude at the end of the red string!

Having been married for a looong time I of course deferred to The Boss (Mrs. Kitedude). A day at Seaport Village is pretty attractive. Good people, music, food, cool breezes and a little kite flying for me. The down side is we have heard all the jokes, more than a few times. So then, a road trip into the unknown of downtown LA.

This new festival was being held at the Los Angeles Historic State Park pretty much in downtown LA. Near Union Station and Chinatown. This from one website about the park ( ‘Los Angeles State Historic Park — A California State Park built for, and by, the People. Los Angeles State Historic Park (LASHP), often referred to as “Central Park of Los Angeles,” is one of the Department’s most high-profile, politically-charged and highly anticipated park projects in the State’. Who could pass that up.

Entrance to the Park and parking

Yes sir, practically downtown!

The Boss had to go out of town for a couple days the week before the festival. Pro travel tip – don’t lose your Drivers License just before you are about the fly home. She was a bit late (days late) getting home and I loaded up the Miata and headed for LA alone. Traffic headed North that morning was pretty good but I was mighty glad I wasn’t headed South. Hopefully it would clear up before heading home.

I got to the park a little after 10am and some friendly faces were there already. Glen, Ron and Sandy Gibian, and our own Craig Adams. Scott Skinner was also there already but he wasn’t yet a familiar face. Joe Hadzicki eventually showed up also, riding his electric one wheel thingy. Pretty sure he didn’t ride it all the way from San Diego.

Camp Gibian

The bad news was the field was over-run with Frisbee Football players and nary a breath of wind. Both problems cleared up fairly soon. For the rest of the morning we messed around with kites, talked trash, and generally killed time until the festival start time of 2pm.

Scott and Glen talk about the lack of wind and how cool the kite would kook in the air.

Showing the Club colors. Want your own banner? Check the website for plans.

This was as relaxed as kite festivals get I would guess. No schedule of events, no demos, no candy drops, no bol races, no nothing. Well except for flying kites. Lots of kites. People brought their own kites. the organizers gave out a bunch (but not enough) bright red diamond kites, and I gave out the 11 Walmart diamond kites I brought. People were pretty good about sharing the give away kites and I think pretty much everyone except very late arrivers got to fly a kite if they wanted to. There was plenty of wind and in fact a little less might have been desirable.

Practically the only official thing on the field.

Ron and Scott flew their cool kites. Craig flew a bunch of stuff and let pretty much anyone hold and fly his kites, a brave man. Craigs bouncy Fugo took a beating, he is also a pretty good sport. Craig gave out lots of interviews, the Papparazzi loved him. And me, I wandered the field giving out kites, talking kites, and kite wrangling. Pretty sure a good time was had by all.

Craigs Fugo before the action and damage gets serious.

The action is getting rougher now.

As usual Joe gave Rev lessons all day. The Papparazzi loved him too.

Lots of Flyers all afternoon.

Traffic headed South was pretty good, going North not so good. For once I got the directions right and got home at almost the same time as Mrs Kitedude.

So next year if and when the call goes out I would highly recommend attending the Community and Unity Kite Fly at Los Angeles State Historic Park!