Fun With Girl Scouts 2015

Report and Photos by Don Fox

The Girl Scouts (Junior Troop 5474) contacted Revolution Kites interested in a kite demonstration.
Carol & Cass Pittman as well as Monica & I arranged to travel to Veterans Park located in Chino Hills on November 15th 2015 for the demo.
The weather was far from optimum but we were able to help them assemble and fly their kites for a brief period. After a great light wind demo from Carol and Cass the Girl Scouts got some hands on time with the Revolution simulators. We had a great time at this event and would love to do it again sometime.

(all photos clickable for a larger version)

Kites on the ground due to lack of wind. The hill behind us blocked most of the available wind.

Kites on the ground due to lack of wind. The hill behind us blocked most of the available wind.


They seemed to like the Revolution simulators.


They were also fans of the dog, Jagger 🙂


A few of them posed for a group photo with us.
