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What’s New Here?!

Upcoming Event Info located on this homepage  So be sure to scroll down aways. But First A Bit Of Business.

Calendar Updates  Posted On Jan 23 and cover thru April 12.  Again, See Below.

We currently have two functioning email addresses for the club. Choose wisely:



Catalina Island Kite Adventure Here

Nathan’s Bucket List Story From OB Kite Fest Here

We need your input/submissions to keep our site active and interesting. Submit to:


Submissions can be as long or short as you want. A couple of pictures and a paragraph or two is all it takes. We are especially interested in Kite Stories And Adventures. Do some kite flying on a trip, help a struggling family at the Bay, do a kite demonstration,  build your first kite? We want to hear about it.

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Want to be notified about changes to the website? Mostly Calendar Updates once a month or so. Maybe the occasional update about last minute meeting changes and so on?

Just send a request to the WebApprentice. All I need is the email address you want notifications to be sent to. And of course you can send a request to be taken off the list as well.


Upcoming Meetups

Our Meetups for February, March and April will be at Seaport Village.

Note: Mar 15th is the Third Saturday!!
Time: Fly All Day. Meeting at Noon’ish Sharp (unless we are having to much fun)
Lunch: I would plan on feeding yourself (many options at Seaport Village)

For Important Details and Most Up to Date Info (Don’t say you didn’t know!) See The Following Page:
Upcoming Meetup Information


Kite Party Huntington Beach

Most importantly Kite Party is March 8 and 9 when our monthly meeting would normally. Since a number of our most active members will be at Kite Party (14 last cound) our March Meeting will be March 15 (third Saturday)

Kite Party is for a limited number of Registered Flyers and is almost full as of 23 February. If you try register I would mention SDKC. Registration priority is given to prior attendees so don’t get mad if you don’t get in.

But it is still a good time and place to be. Lots of SDKC members will be there you can hang with and a whole bunch of other pretty good flyers too. And, it is a big beach, you can still fly if the urge hits. Just move down the beach a bit for a little while.

For more info and registration see:
Kite Party

Be sure to read the few guidelines (rules)

January Meetup

Saturday, January 11, Dusty Rhodes Park, Ocean Beach
Map If You need it
Heading East on the 8? I suggest Left on Nimitz, Right on W. Point Loma, Right on Sunset Cliffs and Right into Dusty Rhodes Park for closest parking.

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: I would plan on feeding yourself.

Activity: Fly Kites, Eat, Talk Kites, Fly Kites
Show off any new kites you may have received. Or your Coal.

2025 New Years Day Fly

Wednesday, January 1, Robb Field Ocean Beach
Map If You need it

We will be on Field 7 (and probably a bit more)
By the tennis courts.

Time: 11am – 3pm (although no one will complain if you are a bit earlier or later!)

Lunch: Potluck. Bring your favorite dish to share. Need main dishes, side dishes, and desserts (but we can’t all bring dessert!)

Activity: SDKC Fighter Kite Challenge. No agenda. Fly Kites, Talk Kites, Fly Kites, Eat Lunch, Fly Kites, Talk Kites.


SDKC 2024 Fighter Kite Challenge

Tuesday December 31, Robb Field Ocean Beach
Map If You need it

Time: 11am – 3pm (although no one will complain if you are a bit earlier or later!)

Lunch: I would plan on feeding yourself.

Activity: SDKC Fighter Kite Challenge. Just a low key fun event. A great opportunity to try some fighter kite fun if it is new to you. No Trophies, just bragging rights. Only one class this year, fight with your favorite fighter!

December Meetup

Saturday, December 14, Dusty Rhodes Park, Ocean Beach
Map If You need it
Heading East on the 8? I suggest Left on Nimitz, Right on W. Point Loma, Right on Sunset Cliffs and Right into Dusty Rhodes Park for closest parking.

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: I would plan on feeding yourself.

Activity: Fly Kites, Eat, Talk Kites, Fly Kites
More Practice for the New Years Eve Day Fighter Kite  Challenge. Don’t know much about fighter kites? Lessons and loaners will be available!

November Meetup

Saturday, November 9, Dusty Rhodes Park, Ocean Beach
Map If You need it
Heading East on the 8? I suggest Left on Nimitz, Right on W. Point Loma, Right on Sunset Cliffs and Right into Dusty Rhodes Park for closest parking.

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: I would plan on feeding yourself.

Activity: Fly Kites, Eat, Talk Kites, Fly Kites
Practice for the New Years Eve Day Fighter Kite  Challenge

September Meetup

Saturday, September 14, Dusty Rhodes Park, Ocean Beach
Map If You need it
Heading East on the 8? I suggest Left on Nimitz, Right on W. Point Loma, Right on Sunset Cliffs and Right into Dusty Rhodes Park for closest parking.

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: I would plan on feeding yourself.

Activity: Fly Kites, Eat, Talk Kites, Fly Kites
Let’s see some Dual Line Kite Flying. Show off you favorite or fly someone else’s. New, Old, Classic, Precision, Trick or Best Forgotten, you name it.

October Meetup

Saturday, October 12, Dusty Rhodes Park, Ocean Beach
Map If You need it
Heading East on the 8? I suggest Left on Nimitz, Right on W. Point Loma, Right on Sunset Cliffs and Right into Dusty Rhodes Park for closest parking.

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: I would plan on feeding yourself.

Activity: Fly Kites, Eat, Talk Kites, Fly Kites
Our Annual Halloween Fly with a few small twists.
Fly a Halloween Themed Kite and get a Point.
Fly Halloween Themed Line Laundry and get a Point.
Fly Both Kite and Line Laundry and get three Points.
Wear a Costume and get two Points.
Who Will Be The One To Do It All?
Each Point gets you an entry in a drawing! How many Points can you get?

Halloween Kite and Line Laundry? A previous winner





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Costumes? Sure it was along time ago but we could revive the good old days.

Man, we sure don’t party like we used to!