Kite Making and Flying With Head Start

Saturday, June 6, Waterfront Park, 1030 – 1500, Map If You Need It

No official report received for the website but it was reported at the last meeting that this event was a great success with approx. 120 Frustrationless Flyers (that is all there were!) built and flown over the afternoon. There are some pictures on FaceBook I believe. Try here.

This event was supported by club members Dave and Iris Corning, Jim Robinson, and Dave Lambert.


Once again SDKC has been asked to help out at the Annual Head Start in the Park End of the Year Transition Training.

This is the usual help put kites together and kite flying help type of event.

Worthy Group, Worthy Cause, Kite Flying. What more could you ask for?

This event is before our next meeting so if you can help out let President Dave know at