January General Meeting

Saturday, January 14, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It


From The President:

Our January 14th meeting of the San Diego Kite Club will be cancelled.  The weather report predicts steady rain all day, and the city has scheduled a marathon run at Tecolote Shores the same day.

We will reschedule our New Year’s Day Potluck to the February 11th general meeting at Tecolote Shores Park at noon.

We will discuss a reschedule date for the fighter kite competition at the February meeting.

Details and reminder message will be emailed prior to Feb 11.

David Corning
San Diego Kite Club



Annual Fighter Kite Challenge

The weather forecast for December 31st and January 1st is rain, strong winds, and chilly temperatures. We have decided to change the dates of our year end events.

Fighter Kite Competition will be rescheduled to our regular club meeting on February 11th at Tecolote Shores.

New Year’s Day Potluck postponed to our regular club meeting on January 14 at Tecolote Shores.

I’ll be sending out more email with reminders and details to club members before these dates.

You can also see details of these events on our website, www.sandiegokiteclub.org.

Hoping we will see everyone at the Potluck and Fighter Kite Competition on these new dates.


David Corning

President, San Diego Kite Club

New Years Day Fly 2023

The weather forecast for December 31st and January 1st is rain, strong winds, and chilly temperatures. We have decided to change the dates of our year end events.

New Year’s Day Potluck postponed to our regular club meeting on January 14 at Tecolote Shores.

I’ll be sending out more email with reminders and details to club members before these dates.

You can also see details of these events on our website, www.sandiegokiteclub.org.

Hoping we will see everyone at the Potluck and Fighter Kite Competition on these new dates.


David Corning

President, San Diego Kite Club

November General Meeting

Saturday, November 12, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and arrange lunch for the club? Yes the Club will pay reasonable costs to cover lunch. Let Iris know at treasurer@sandiegokiteclub.com

Activity: Fighter Kite practice for Dec 31 Fighter Kite Competition

November Indoor Fly

Friday, November 18, 2022
Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
7:45 – 9:45pm

We need new indoor flyers so come on out and give it a try!.

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to loan you.
Note: While there is a cost to fly indoors (we have pay for the rental of the facility) your first time is FREE!

December General Meeting

Saturday, Decmeber 10, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and arrange lunch for the club? Yes the Club will pay reasonable costs to cover lunch. Let Iris know at treasurer@sandiegokiteclub.com

Activity: Fly Kites and Whacky Holiday Gift Exchange. Members wishing to participate in the gift exchange should bring a wrapped gift ($20 range – preferably kite related). Bring a gift, go home with a gift. This one of those exchanges where stealing is allowed, details explained before the start.

December Indoor Fly

Friday, December 16, 2022
Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
7:45 – 9:45pm

Last Fly of the year! Who knows what next years schedule will be.

We need new indoor flyers so come on out and give it a try!.

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to loan you.
Note: While there is a cost to fly indoors (we have pay for the rental of the facility) your first time is FREE!

October Indoor Fly

Friday, October 21, 2022
Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
7:45 – 9:45pm (slight time change)

We need new indoor flyers so come on out and give it a try!.

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to loan you.
Note: While there is a cost to fly indoors (we have pay for the rental of the facility) your first time is FREE!