February General Meeting

Saturday, February 12, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and arrange lunch for the club? Let Iris know at treasurer@sandiegokiteclub.com

Activity: Valentines Day, Fly a Valentines related kite or a SAD (Singles Awareness Day) Kite and be entered in a drawing for a prize. Don’t forget to fly with your sweetie. Even if she/he/they have different ideas!

Kite Party 2022

March 12 and 13, Huntington Beach Pier

Big note for us is this is SDKC meeting weekend, Since many SDKC members will be attending Kite Party our meeting will be moved to the third Saturday March 19.

To be an official Kite Party attendee you must be a registered kite flyer. You can register at:

You don’t have to be registered to attend, just to fly in the official KP roped off flying fields. It is a big beach, you can fly anywhere else! Significant others who are not kite flyers don’t need to be registered. Registration is limited to 75 people so don’t waste flyer spots. Registered and can’t go? Be sure to let KP know so maybe someone else can take your spot.

Be sure to read the guidelines/rules.

January 2022 General Meeting

Saturday, January 8, Mariners Point, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It


Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and arrange lunch for the club? Let Iris know at treasurer@sandiegokiteclub.com

Activity: You need more activity? Maybe we will think of something official by then. Otherwise just fly a kite! Or hang with the San Diego Kite Talk Society ,(You know who you are.)

Fighter Kites Comp will be today!!

Annual Fighter Kite Competition

Saturday, January 8, Mariners Point, Map If You Need It

Moved To Mariners Point January 8

Time: Fly/Practice All Day. Competition time fluid but generally EARLY afternoon depending on winds and number of competitors.

Lunch: I would plan to be on your own for lunch.

Activity: Fighter Kite Competition. Two classes – Club and Open. Club Class – everyone flies the same type of kite which is provided by the Club. This year we are flying Mylar Fighters donated by Robert Loera and used in his World Record of flying the most kites on one line. Free but donations are welcome. Open Class – bring and fly whatever kite you want!
This is a good chance to try of a not very fierce fighter competition if you are new to fighters, most of aren’t that good!
Last event we have a report for: http://sandiegokiteclub.org/new-years-eve-2017-fighter-challenge/

New Years Day Fly 2022

Saturday, 1 January 2022, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It


Time: Fly All Day,  Some people arrive early and leave early. Some people arrive late and leave late. Some people arrive early and leave late. Some people arrive late and leave early. Just don’t be late for lunch!

Lunch: POT LUCK around Noon’ish. No assignments have been announced so just bring your favorite Pot Luck dish! Just remember that not everyone can bring dessert (or main dish for that matter).

Activity: Fly Kites and lie about how late you stayed up the night before. There is talk of more fighter kite activity.

December Indoor Fly

Friday, December 10, 2021

Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
8 – 10pm

Note this is the night before our December General Meeting!

This is your last chance to try Indoor Flying for the year! Next date on the calendar is March 2022!
Haven’t heard anything about dues yet.

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

One important Note: You must register/sign a Covid waiver that is required by the venue BEFORE arriving. It Can NOT be signed at the event. The waiver can be found here:
Covid Waiver

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to lend.

December General Meeting

Saturday, December 11, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and arrange lunch for the club? Let Iris know at treasurer@sandiegokiteclub.com

Activity: Practice for the Dec 31st Fighter Kite Competition/Fly.
Wacky Holiday Gift Exchange. Basics – Bring a wrapped gift, take a gift home. General Rules – All gifts put in a pile. Names are drawn of participants one at a time. First person picks a gift and opens it. Next person drawn can pick a new gift or steal a gift from anyone who has already opened one. The person whos gift was stolen gets another and opens it. Any one gift can only be stolen twice. Third owner keeps it. Rinse and repeat until all gifts are gone and all participants have a gift.
Gifts – something in the $20 range is the goal. Ideally something kite related but not strictly enforced. Something you would want to receive.

October Indoor Fly

Friday, October 15, 2021
Note The Date Change to October 15. No Longer Oct 22.

Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
8 – 10pm

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Dues for the year have been announced as $120 to be paid in advance. There will be nine or ten flying dates in the rest of the year. (rumor has it that the EMF people have softened on this and are willing to accept a $10 donation per night from occasional flyers)

One important Note: You must register/sign a Covid waiver that is required by the venue BEFORE arriving. It Can NOT be signed at the event. The waiver can be found here:
Covid Waiver

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to lend.