November Indoor Fly

Friday, November 19, 2021

Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
8 – 10pm

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Dues for the year have been announced as $120 to be paid in advance. There will be nine or ten flying dates in the rest of the year. (rumor has it that the EMF people have softened on this and are willing to accept a $10 donation per night from occasional flyers)

One important Note: You must register/sign a Covid waiver that is required by the venue BEFORE arriving. It Can NOT be signed at the event. The waiver can be found here:
Covid Waiver

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to lend.

September General Meeting

Saturday, September 11, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Club will provide Lunch and water to members. Or do you want to he a HERO and arrange lunch for the club? Let Iris know at

Activity: Remembrance Memorial. Since we did not get to have our traditional May Memorial Meeting we will have it in September. A chance to celebrate members past. If you have a white kite to fly bring it. Or if you have a kite that once belonged to a past member this is a good time to air it out!

September Indoor Fly

Friday, September 24, 2021

Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
8 – 10pm

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Dues for the year have been announced as $120 to be paid in advance. There will be nine or ten flying dates in the rest of the year. (rumor has it that the EMF people have softened on this and are willing to accept a $10 donation per night from occasional flyers)

One important Note: You must register/sign a Covid waiver that is required by the venue BEFORE arriving. It Can NOT be signed at the event. The waiver can be found here:
Covid Waiver

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to lend.

New Forum Online Kite Building Class

A new online kite building class is starting very soon.

The project is a Barbara Meyer Swallowtail Delta. This is one of Craig Adams favorite kites and you  have probably seem him flying it at a club meeting. The link to the Kitebuilder Forums is HERE  

In order to access the information for the Online Class you will have to register with Kitebuilder, free of course. The registration link is right at the top of the page, a Blue Icon. The info for the class is about half way down the page in the section called ‘On Line Kite Building Projects and Plans’.

As usual Fly Market Kites is selling a kit with all the rods and bits and pieces you need to build the kite. Fabric is also available from there if you need it. The kit is listed for $55, and fabric would be extra if  you need that too. LinK Here

The kit is already for sale and the template is already available on KiteBuilder.

If you have an interest in building our own kites this is a great way to get started. Also if you haven’t been there before there is a wealth of knowledge on the KiteBuilder Forums about Kite Building in general.

Problems or Questions? I can try to help:
Craig has already built one and I will go out on a limb and say he will be glad to help out too.
NO I doubt either of us will build one for you!

August Indoor Fly

Friday, August13, 2021


Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
8 – 10pm

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Dues for the year have been announced as $120 to be paid in advance. There will be nine or ten flying dates in the rest of the year. (rumor has it that the EMF people have softened on this and are willing to accept a $10 donation per night from occasional flyers)

One important Note: You must register/sign a Covid waiver that is required by the venue BEFORE arriving. It Can NOT be signed at the event. The waiver can be found here:
Covid Waiver

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to lend.

Lake Cuyamaca Kids Kite Fly

Sunday August 29, Lake Cuyamaca, East County Mountains, MAP IF YOU NEED IT

Note The Date Change!! Note The Date Change!!
Now Sunday August 29

What Is It? The Club has been invited by the Rangers at Lake Cuyamaca to help with a kite fly for kids and families. The Club is donating 100 Frustrationless Flyers to be flown at the event. This is a minimalist event, we will put the kite kits together before hand and don’t expect to be doing any decorating of the kites. This is just a trial event which if things go well may lead to bigger things.

This is NOT an event to show off all our cool kites and do demo flies. Again if things go well we will likely work towards a bigger event. Of course there may be room for a cool kite or three but don’t count on it, we will play it by ear.

What We Need: Volunteers to be kite wranglers to help the kids and families get their kites in the are and have a good time! This is part of our Mission Statement after all.

If you were planning to attend but now can’t let Prez Dave know.
If you couldn’t attend but now want to let Prez Dave know.

Email at:


June Indoor Fly

Friday, June 11, 2021

Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
8 – 10pm

Note this is the night BEFORE our June General Meeting

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Dues for the year have been announced as $120 to be paid in advance. There will be nine or ten flying dates in the rest of the year.

One important Note: You must register/sign a Covid waiver that is required by the venue BEFORE arriving. It Can NOT be signed at the event. The waiver can be found here:
Covid Waiver

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to lend.

July Indoor Fly

Friday, July 27, 2021

Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
8 – 10pm

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Dues for the year have been announced as $120 to be paid in advance. There will be nine or ten flying dates in the rest of the year. (rumor has it that the EMF people have softened on this and are willing to accept a $10 donation per night from occasional flyers)

One important Note: You must register/sign a Covid waiver that is required by the venue BEFORE arriving. It Can NOT be signed at the event. The waiver can be found here:
Covid Waiver

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to lend.