As part of our 2016 New Years Day Fly, Dave Corning our SDKC President, taught us how to make kites out of Bubble Wrap. A skill he and Iris learned at the AKA Convention.
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You want to build on too?

Construction techniqes required teams of two. Here Mary and Iris.

Tom and Roger

Diane and Rick. But, Dave is helping Diane because Rick is AWOL while taking pictures.

And Team – Uh? Rick was taking pictures and not paying attention. Someone will update me.

Moving Along. What’s next Dave?

Maybe working on a big giant table will help.
and now the finsished products:

Rick and Diane with Verson 2.0. Had to add eyes after flying blind for awhile.

Now you might say ‘What a silly excuse for a kite! But Rick is pretty sure this is the longest Daine has actually flown a kite.

Roger (Tom must be hiding). The first to add eyes, which then became mandatory.

Yes It Is A Bubble Wrap Jelly Fish Kite!

Team Mary and iris. Hmmm, we don’t seem to have a flight picture but I am sure it was successful.

Team Uh? (and Annie the dog) with a fine Jelly Fish

Almost ready to fly!

Dave gives this Jelly Fish a stern talking to before its first flight.

And last but certainly not least is Monica who got absolutely no help from Don.