The Archives

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Welcome to the San Diego Kite Club Archives

Hopefully this is just the start of a repository for some of SDKC’s history.

As of today, 27 Decmeber 2015, I think we have a pretty good Archive going but we could still use more of your old photos!

If you want this archive to grow it will require your input.

So gather up your old photos and get them to the WebApprentice for inclusion here.

Skyline Newsletter Archive

SDKC Pre-History Photos From Robert Loera

Random Old Photos From The Virgil Dalton Collection Part One

Random Old Photos From The Virgil Dalton Collection Part Two

Walt Thompson’s Old Photos Part 1

Walt Thompson’s Old Photos Part 2  Virgil Dalton Windsock Seminar

1990 Belmont National Sport Kite Championship Video Clips

John Rogers Video Archive

John Rogers Photos and WSiKF Video 1993

More John Rogers Photos and Doheny State Beach 1993 Video !

Ocean Beach Kite Festival 1993-1994

New Years Day Fly 1996 

Mini Kite Workshop 2000

Jack Irwin Collection – People

Jack Irwin Collection – General Meetings

Jack Irwin Collection – New Years

Walt’s Old Photos Pt 3 – No Whine Gift Exchange 2003

New Years Eve Fighter Kite Challenge 2009

New Years Day Fly 2010

Bryan Stow Kite

Fighter Kite Classic Dec 2012

Polo Classic Oct 2013

65th OB Kite Festival 2013

Up In The Air 2013

Santa Luz Spring Fling 2013

FanForLife 2013

Rev Shootout 2013

Dinner And A Rev 2013

October General Meeting 2013

Seal Beach Kite Festival 2013

2013 Fighter Kite Challenge

2013 Fighter Kite Challenge and 2015 New Years Day Fly

February 2014 Meeting Video

Ocean Beach Kite Fest 2014

Seal Beach Kite Festival 2014

Harold Myers Video Series

February 2014 Meeting Video

Ocean Beach Kite Fest 2014

Seal Beach Kite Festival 2014

November General Meeting 2014

SDKC 2014 Fighter Kite Challenge

FanForLife 2015

Ocean Beach Kite Fest 2015

May 2015 Memorial Fly





If you  have some photos to add to this archive contact the WebApprentice at

We are looking for photos from the Dark Ages, the Middle Ages, the Not So Long Ago Ages, or even the Present Day. Anything not already included somewhere on this website. Any info you can provide about submitted photos would be helpful but if you don’t know what they are we will probably post them anyway.

Photos can be digital on disk or email or old fashioned hard copies (bring them to a meeting or by snail mail – address on request). All physical media will be returned.