Charles and Don

After the Dec 14  SDKC General Meeting Charles G. posted this to the Gone With The Wind Forum:

…we had Don Tabor stop by. Last month, he came to the meeting unannounced. Hoping that he would show up today, I brought my TOTL kites and was able to get some pictures of Don with some of his creations.

and posted these pictures of Charles and Don Tabor with some of Don’s Top Of The Line Creations. (Don Tabor, the Godfather Of Sport Kiting, copyright Ron D).

Don Tabor with Charles' TOTL collection.

Don Tabor with Charles’ TOTL collection.

Charles and Don with Charles' TOTL collection.

Charles and Don with Charles’ TOTL collection.

Don signing Charles' TOTL kites.

Don signing Charles’ TOTL kites.