Monday January 1, 2018 SDKC held its Umpteenth Annual New Years Day Fly.
This is not usually much of a challenge in San Diego and once again the weather was everything the Chamber Of Commerce advertises. After some early fog we had parlty cloudy skies, temps approaching 70, and decent wind.
-We had a good showing of big kites and a fair numer of two and four lines kites.
-We were joined by the Convair 220 Ham Radio club who have been experimenting with using kites to lift antennas and they had pretty good success on this day.
-We had a pretty good number of TOTL kites in the air as a tribute to Don Tabor who passed recently.
-The Pot Luck Lunch was excellent with lots of good main and side dishes. We were a little shy of desserts this year but no one was complaining because some years we are heavy on desserts and light on real food.
-A few people were there early when you couldn’t see a hundred yards because of fog and a few were still there at sunset.
-All in all a pretty good time. We finished 2017 with our Annual Fighter Kite Challenge, brought in 2018 with our Annual New Years Day fly and still have our normal monthly meeting to look forward to in January!
Photos by Rick Spurgeon, Dan Willan, Dave Lambert, Bob Anderson
All photos clickable for a somewhat larger version