Volunteers Needed for Fan For Life 2014

Saturday April 12, 4pm – 7pm, Embarcadero Marina Park North (Seaport Village)


fan_for_life_logoOnce again the Fan For Life Fest put on by the John Brockington Foundation are looking for volunteers from SDKC to help at their event. They are looking for club members to help kids and their families decorate, build, and fly kites. This is not really an event where we are expected to fly and show off (although there might be some opportunity for that) but our job is to help others get in air and to keep the sponsors large ROK in the air as much as possible.

The purpose of this organization is to help people who are on the wait list for an organ transplant. This event is a fundraiser for them.

Yes, this is the same day as the Club Meeting but this event is later in the day and you can do both! Let Dave know if you can attend at president@sandiegokiteclub.com

Fan For Life Website

The Report From Last Years Event