July Is Election Month

At the July Meeting we hold Club Elections. This year the President and Secretary postions are up for grabs! (The VP and Treasurer are next year)

President Dave and Secretary Jim have been holding these positions for quite some time. Is this the year for some new blood? Do you have some new ideas to help the Club grow or to increase our fun level? Just want a chance to step up and serve the Club?

Well now is the time to start campaining!  State your case at the June meeting! Hand out flyers! Want to post a platform on the website? Let us know.

At any rate you can’t say you didn’t know because here is your warning.

May Indoor Fly

Friday, May 31, Alliant University, 7:30 – 9:30pmMap If You Need It
(next one is June 8)

Don’t have an indoor kite? Come out anyway we will loan you something to try!

Don’t forget to pay your dues, you can even due it (Get It?) online on the EMF website. Although it is possible to pay per event ($10) it is extremely helpful it you can pay for the year upfront (the rental has to be paid upfront for the year). Start saving your allowance –  annual dues will be due soon. First timers get a Free Trial!

Much more info at their websiteEMF.club

June General Meeting

Saturday, June 8, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and arrange lunch for the club? Let Iris know at treasurer@sandiegokiteclub.com

Activity: RevMan Games: No final plans yet but this involves some sort of skills game with a Rev in preparation for the tranditional September Rev Shootout. (See last years Rev Shootout HERE)

June Indoor Fly

Friday, June 21, Alliant University, 7:30 – 9:30pmMap If You Need It
(next one is July 19)

This was Erronously Posted as June 21 and was actually June 14. Sorry if you missed it
The date of July 19 is correct and so is the No Fly in August

Don’t have an indoor kite? Come out anyway we will loan you something to try!

Don’t forget to pay your dues, you can even due it (get it?) online on the EMF website. Although it is possible to pay per event ($10) it is extremely helpful it you can pay for the year upfront (the rental has to be paid upfront for the year). Start saving your allowance –  annual dues will be due soon. First timers get a Free Trial!

Much more info at their websiteEMF.club

July General Meeting

Saturday, July 13, Mariners Point, Map If You Need It

Note The Location Change! The July Meeting wil be at Mariners Point! For two weekends in July the Annual Over The Line Tournament is held on Fiesta Island and we have found life is easier if we just move our meeting.

Time: Fly All Day. Meeting at Noon’ish Sharp!

Lunch: We traditionally have a Potluck Lunch at this meeting. Do we need food assignments? Or does everyone want to bring their specialty – remembering you all can’t bring dessert.

Activity: Fly Kites, Eat Lunch, Have A Good Time.  This is the 30th Anniversary for San Diego Kite Club!


July Indoor Fly

Friday, July 19, Alliant University, 7:30 – 9:30pmMap If You Need It
(next one is September 27 – NO August Fly )

Don’t have an indoor kite? Come out anyway we will loan you something to try!

Don’t forget to pay your dues, you can even due it (get it?) online on the EMF website. Although it is possible to pay per event ($10) it is extremely helpful it you can pay for the year upfront (the rental has to be paid upfront for the year). Start saving your allowance –  annual dues will be due soon. First timers get a Free Trial!

Much more info at their websiteEMF.club

April General Meeting

Saturday, April 13, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Update!! Update!! Update!! : Once again an event is hogging our field on Meeting Day. There is a Run starting on our field and parking is closed. Signs say until 2pm. So far we are officially taking a wait and see approach but as a reminder Mariners Point is always our backup location. Map if you need it

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and supply lunch for the club? Let Iris know at treasurer@sandiegokiteclub.com

Activity: The most recent postcard says ‘Tax Kites’ but that was last year. This year I believe Prez Dave wants Airplane or Space Related Kites.

April Indoor Fly

Friday, April 26, Alliant University, 7:30 – 9:30pmMap If You Need It
(next one is May 11)

Don’t have an indoor kite? Come out anyway we will loan you something to try!

Don’t forget to pay your dues, you can even due it (get it?) online on the EMF website. Although it is possible to pay per event ($10) it is extremely helpful it you can pay for the year upfront (the rental has to be paid upfront for the year). Start saving your allowance –  annual dues will be due soon. First timers get a Free Trial!

Much more info at their websiteEMF.club