May Indoor Fly

Friday, May 26, Alliant University, 8:00pm, Map If You Need It
( next date June 23, 2017)

There will be 10 flying sessions this year. From the Association of Indoor Modelers website:

Hello indoor flyers,

We have the dates for the rest of 2017.   All dates and times are listed on the calendar.

The suggested donation is $100. Last year some opted to pay only $10/night and you can still do that if you need. Please consider paying the entire amount so we can afford to keep flying at this wonderful facility. As usual, if you fly RC, you will need to be a current AMA member to complete your AIM membership. You can start the process now by visiting the AIM Membership Request page: or by bringing your AMA membership card and a check, or cash, to the next flying session. Kite flyers do not need AMA. You are strongly encouraged to pay by using our PayPal form at: The form will let you pay using your PayPal account or your credit card.

Much more info at their website:

Public Art Grand Opening

Saturday, February 25, 11am – 2pm
National City Aquatic Center
3300 Goesno Pl, National City, Ca, 91950
Map If You Need It

Your Help Needed!! We need volunteers to fly kites at this event, which is the reveal of a Dragon Statue at the National City Aquatic Center.

This is an event for which the club will receive a donation for supporting.

If you can help please contact Prez Dave ASAP at:

For a bit more infor Click Here


February General Meeting

Saturday, February 11, Tecolote Shores, Map If You Need It

Fly All Day, Meeting at Noon’ish Sharp
Signs at Tecolote Shores say parking is closed on Saturday until Noon.
History says you might be able to park a bit sooner but no promises.
This will delay the start of the Fighter Kite Competition until sometime after the 1100 start stated on your postcard.
Some early starters will likely go to Mariners Point for awhile then move to Tecolote Shores later.

Lunch: Yes as almost always, Your donation welcome to help cover costs.
Want to bring lunch for the group? Contact Iris at

Activity:Annual Fighter Kite Challenge (rescheduled from a soggy New Years Eve Day)
Club Class: Everyone flies the same type kite supplied by the Club (this year Buka’s for $6) and the winner gets a coveted Paper Dragon Trophy from Prez Dave.
Open Class:Bring and fly your favorite fighter. Winner gets their name on the Perpetual Trophy and custody for a year (I believe).
Hot Tip: Best to bring your own fighter kite line if you can but it is likely possible for novices to borrow some if needed.
Hot Tip II: This is a very friendly competition and a great event for novices to get a taste of kite fighting American style.

Kite Party 15

Saturday and Sunday, March 11 and 12, Huntington Beach Pier, Map If You Need It

What Is It? KP is one of the few relatively local kite events left for us. It is put on by the kite store on the pier, Kite Connection. It is not exactly a festival and certainly not a competetion. It is kite friends from around the country and the world getting together to fly kites, have a good time, and show off a bit to the public.

Rules: If you want to be an official participant and fly in the two designated kite fields you must register. Registration is limited. However, if just want to come and watch registration is not required. Plus it is a big beach, if you want to fly and aren’t registered just move down the beach a bit and fly for awhile.

Official Rules, Info, and Registration at:

Glen Mitchell’s Video of last years event can be found here: Kite Party Video

Note: This is the second weekend of the month and conflicts with our SDKC meeting. Since many in the Club attend Kite Party it was voted to move the General Meeting to the next weekend, Saturday March 18

March Indoor Fly

Friday, March 31, Alliant Univ

This is the first night of indoor flying for the 2017 season and is not for awhile yet. This is just  note to put it on your calendar. I will fill in more details as it gets closer.

For now more info at this website:

2016 Fighter Kite Challenge

Saturday, December 31, Tecolote Shores, Map If You Need It

Fly All Day, Fighter Challenge usually starts early afternoon, be flexible

Lunch: Probably best to bring your own for this.

Activity:  Fighter Kite Challenge: We usually fight two classes of fighters. Club Class – everyone flies the same kind of kite chosen and supplied by SDKC with a donation expeced by you to cover costs. This years Club Class Kite will be a BUKAOpen Class – Fly anything you want. Trophies for both classes.

New Years Day 2017

Sunday, 1 January 2017, Mariners Point, Map If You Need It

Fly All Day
Some get there early and leave early.
Some get there later and leave later.
Some get there early and leave late.
Your Choice.

Lunch: Absolutely, Pot Luck. Food assignments: A-G Dessert; H-O Main Dish; P-Z Side Dish

Activity: Ring in the New Year flying kites with your kite friends! You don’t want to start the New Year hanging around the house do you? Me Neither.

Indoor Fly for January

Friday, Jan 6, Alliant University, 8:00pm, Map If You Need It
(Last  date of the season – next date March 31, 2017)

There will be 10 flying sessions this year. From the Association of Indoor Modelers website:

The 2016 indoor flying sessions will be starting soon and it’s time to pay the bills.  The suggested donation is $100.  Last year some opted to pay only $10/night and you can still do that if you need.  Please consider paying the entire amount so we can afford to keep flying at this wonderful facility.

Much more info at their website:

Remember if costs the same to rent the facility whether 10 or 50 show up on any given night so if you can pay upfront please do so.

If you haven’t been to an indoor fly yet come on by and join the regulars. We will be happy to see you and will find something for you to fly.