2013 Fighter Kite Challenge and 2014 New Years Day Fly

Sadly news from these events is minimal.

Both events in the Fighter Kite Challenge were won by Keven Heredia but this year Dan Willan was able to make him work for it.

Both days had some wind, were warm and sunny – basically days the Chamber of Commerce brags to the rest of the country about.

Both events were well attended and a good time was had by all.

Many photos were taken but few were submitted.

The All Fly One Kite With Their Competition Grandmaster Kites

l-r: Tom, Joan, A Pretty Good Quadline Flyer, Dave, Kevin, and Dan

The Open Class Competitors With Their Favorite Kites

l-r: Joan, Dave, Tom, Walt, and Dan, Kevin the winner must be out practicing

Kevin accepts the coveted Paper Dragon Trophy. At least they are coveted by the rest of us since he and his Dad have them all. Maybe next year someone will beat them – Dan was very close this year.

Somehow Ron and his kite did not qualify for either class.