SDKC At Seaport Village 2023

Story by Rick S.
photos by Rick S. and Tom K.
photos clickable for larger version

In order to help celebrate National Kite Month the Club was invited to fly at Seaport Village by Kevin at Kite Flite. Kevin has been generous with raffle prizes in the past so it only seemed fair to move our monthly meeting to Seaport Village.

Kite Flite Store at Seaport Village.


This decision did not come without challenges. One being kite eating trees limiting the flying area. Turns out this problem was solved for us. All of the trees to the right of the sidewalk seen in the photo below were gone! This was both sad ( beautiful trees gone) and fortunate ( it opened up the flying area and removed kite eating trees with big thorns).

Kite eating trees as seen in a KAP photo from 2012.

Another problem is somewhat limited parking and having to pay to do so. Fortunately Kite Flite was able to help out SDKC members with a parking validation/discount.

For those who did make the effort they were rewarded with a great day of flying. Enough room for everybody, good clean wind off the bay, lots of people to interact with, and no freeway noise.

Dave and Iris hold court. Notice the stump. All the trees are gone!


Some of the many kites up through out the day. The club recently bought 10 Peter Lynn Dolphin Kits. These two belong to Rick S. and are the first two finished and flying.

Rick’s SDKC mini banners on display (where are the rest you guys?) and some of the many members who made it out today including Tom, Rose, Robert, John and Les.

Don, Monica and Joe also made it.

Vernon, Becky and someone unknown made it


There was much discussion about how big Spongebob is.  Best guess is about 125 sq. ft. A little later in the day Spongebob lost a drogue and took a header and only slightly messed up traffic for a moment or two.

Spongebob, Tweety, and the Nagel style Della Porta were made by Randy Tom and flown by Eric O.

And two late edition photos submitted by Eric O.:

Self portrait of Eric with SpongeBob and Tweety in the background.

Just some of the Randy Tom kites that Eric brought to the meeting.

So if you missed it we are sad you weren’t there but managed to hide it well. Maybe next year.

In case you were wondering the KAP photo of the trees that have gone missing was taken by Rick back in 2012 during a car show at Seaport Village. The trees were much bigger by 2023. You can find him/me hard at work just beside the red car.

**First disclaimer: the two photos taken looking towards Coronado and North Island might or might not have enhanced clouds. The sky in that direction might have been boring.

**Second Disclaimer: Most photos were taken with an old point and shoot camera Rick recently came into and decided to try out. Between that and cutting down resolution to save on file size quality suffered a bti.