David, the few times we met, I could tell you were special. Thanks for the pow wow, advice, and kind words. There are many who you’ve touched with tears in their eyes. One of too many kite flyers that have left us this year. You won’t be forgotten.”
–Penny Lingenfelter
David, we did not know you long, but could tell what a wonderful person you were, whether holding kite strings, cheering on a new competitor or just joking around. We have missed you during this season of competition and will continue to miss you even more. You set an example that we as kiters would love to be able to follow, you left some mighty big boots to fill! Please have fun flying with Larry Mixon now, and filling our skies with color.”
–Paul and Chrystal Eshelman
David, you are a true kiteflier in every sense. Your spirit will fly on. Enjoy the moment. Glad to have met you and flown with you. You will always have my respect. Thanks.”
–Bryan Leonard, Arizona Fliers, Wings After Flying
David, you were one of the truly legitimate people in kiting I have ever met. Your successes at all levels of kiting, kite design, kite making and kite flying, stand on their own. However, your willingness to contribute your time and efforts to kiting, your professionalism, your organization, your intelligence, your dry wit, your perfectionism, your politeness and your courtesy, were to me what set you apart from the crowd. You have set the bar high for those who will follow. Right now, all I can say to you David is I hope the shopping is great wherever you are! Happy Flying and We Love You.”
–Barbara Dockendorf and Tom Stoner
We feel very fortunate to have known David for such a short time. David had innate goodness, selflessness and class. You could tell this when you shook his hand. He had a love for kiting that was contagious. We will miss him.”
–Larry and Sandee Bush
David was the purest dual line kite flier I’ve ever met! David was a perfectionist in every sense of the word. His kiteflying and kite building skills were second to none and his personality was just as impressive! David always treated other kiters with equal respect. David, you will be missed and remembered by everyone that has ever had the pleasure to be graced by your presence!”
–Troy Gunn, AKA Region 8 Director
“David was the nicest, most unselfish, giving and astute kite flier I’ve ever met. His energy and enthusiasm for kiting were boundless. I only knew David for about a year and a half but in that short time I came to respect and admire him for many reasons. More than anything else though, he made everything he did look easy. Last November (’98) at the Avi Kite Festival, I watched David fly his Tika in zero wind behind the hotel … on 60′ lines. This was not a zero wind kite by any stretch of the imagination, but David made flying it look effortless and you got the impression he could do it all day long. That was what I ALWAYS noticed about David’s flying. He made it look like he could do it in his sleep. David was the consummate flier and inspiration incarnate. I took over David’s roll as Chief Judge and Scorekeeper for the SoCal Sport Kite League in Feb. (’99). He passed along to me a laptop, some notebooks and a few binders full of forms. I corresponded with him for a time until he nudged me through the process of setting up a Sport Kiting event, taught me a few of the things I needed to know but mostly pointed out that the whole process was like flying a kite. There are LOTS of ways to do it … but when you do it well, it looks easy. David’s relaxed and easy going approach to kiting set him apart from everyone else. As unassuming as he was, he stood out like a beacon and inspired more fliers than most of us will ever know. I’ll miss him as a person and as a fellow flier. David was the jewel of kiting.”
–Allen Stroh