Jack Irwin Collection-Monthly Meetings

Here are some pictures submitted to The Archives by long time SDKC member Jack Irwin. This page is mostly pictures from Monthly General Meetings pulled from the pictures he submitted.

All photos clickable for a larger version

Ron hawking his lastest T-Shirt design.

Ron hawking his lastest T-Shirt design.

A kite built by Larry Mixon? Owned by Charlie at this point I believe.

A kite built by Larry Mixon? Owned by Charlie at this point I believe.

The question is: Is Daryld helping or hindering Kurt at this point?

The question is: Is Daryld helping or hindering Kurt at this point?

Spinning Janny

Spinning Janny

The Meeting Spot!

The Meeting Spot!

Johm Rogers Menagerie Part 1

Johm Rogers Menagerie Part 1

John Rogers Menagerie Part 2

John Rogers Menagerie Part 2

John Rogers Menagerie Part 3

John Rogers Menagerie Part 3

Kurt lofts one of Daryld's kites. (I think)

Kurt lofts one of Daryld’s kites. (I think)

Hang In There Guys! (That's A Joke Son?)(First Person To Correctly Attribute That Quote Gets a personalized SDKC Mini Banner - contact the WebApprentice@sandiegokiteclub.com)

Hang In There Guys! 

Surely a Ron Gibian kite but owned by who?

Surely a Ron Gibian kite but owned by who?

A Solaris? owned by Norm and Shari Howard? Just a quess by the WebApprentice.

A Solaris? owned by Norm and Shari Howard? Just a quess by the WebApprentice.

Any additional information you may have about photos , or corrections, can be sent to webapprentice@sandiegokiteclub.com.