A long standing tradition of the San Diego Kite Club is our No Whining Gift Exchange at the December general meeting. Members who wish to participate bring a gift to the meeting and all gifts go in a pile and their name is put in a hat (or box, or bag, or etc over the years). Ron Despojado normally served as Master of Ceremonies. Ron takes a name out the hat and that person picks a gift to open. The next name, and all subsequent names, pick a gift but have the option to open it or to steal a gift from a person who has already opened a gift and give them the un-opened gift. Each gift can only be stolen twice so the third owner gets to keep it. You guessed it, No Whining Allowed!
The December 2003 had an added bonus. Member Norm Howard and Ron D. cheated just a bit to make sure one special gift ended up in the right hands so Norm could propose to his girlfriend Shari. That gift was a figter kite decorated with an engagement ring. As you can plainly see from the including pictures the plan was a resounding success!
Others in Photo-From the Left: Susan Shampo (grass), Rick Spurgeon, Ron (standing), Shari, Jack Irwin (hand in the air) and Jim Skrya (seated at table)
Others in Photo – From Left: Susan Shampo, Rick Spurgeon, Steve Bateman (black jacket)
Other in Photo – From Left: Jim and Jane Skrya (at table). Ron, Charlie M’Clary (bent over), Bruce Woods (seated very back), and Neil Tuthill
Others in Photo – From Left: Jim and Jane Skryja (still at table), Joanne and Charlie M’Clary, Neil Tuthill

Dave Harris checks out his gift while being closely watched by Neil Tuthill (seated) and Charlie (standing)

Greg Lawrence (Past President – blue sweatshirt) and Jim MC Nulty (black sweatshirt). Some others I don’t know – do you?
Know some one not identified or have a correction: webapprentice@sandiegokiteclub.com