October 2022 Meeting Report

Story and Photos by Rick S.
photos clickable for a larger image

Once again our meeting was blessed with America Finest City Chamber Of Commerce Weather. Sunny (mostly), warm, and nice beach winds. We had a decent crowd this month with about 15 members present. Lunch was brought in by Carey and Cathy and was enjoyed by all.

This month was our annual October Halloween Line Laundry Contest. Much to my delight the competition forgot to show up. Two others claimed to have plans but left their displays at home. I  won with a pitiful display of a set of 99 cent ghosts from WalMart. Well, you have to play to win!

However, this pitiful display was lifted in the air by a kite made just for the occasion, in the proper colors for Halloween. I was looking through old AKA Magazines on the AKA Website (just one benefit of membership) and found a kite in the Winter 2009 issue that intrigued me. For unexplained reasons it is called the Jesse. The ‘plans’ had minimal information, basically just dimensions, the rest was up to the builder. This kite doesn’t have a lot of pull so the pitiful ghost display was kind of a necessity anyway.

The prize for Best Line Laundry Display was a Premier 21 foot Skeleton Pirate Kite. Not a bad return on a 99 cent investment!

The Jesse Kite: 48 inches tall and wide.

Jesse Kite, Pitiful Line Laundry Display and the Prize Kite

Vernon and Tom Practice Team Rev Flying – as always

Robert’s Tyvek Kites

San Diego Kite Talk Society

Don Wrestles With His Bol – feeling strong today!

Vernon Gives Ryan His First Rev Lesson

Carey Was Working On His Two Line Skills With Cathy – he has just recently returned to the kiting life.

New Members Dina and Cody ( in Chairs) brought out some friends for a day at the Bay and some kite flying. Not sure why Carey is bothering them – a bad joke to tell for sure.

It isn’t clear from the evidence available if Tom actually flew a kite today.

Rick and his prized Virgil Dalton Quad Cat – not quite a Rev. Yet another Line Laundry prize kite for Rick from a previous year.

Tom, Vernon and Don doing a little mixed quad kite flying. Don’t look Joe or Lolly!