Fighter Kite Challenge 2018

Monday, December 31, Tecolote Shores


Update 18 Dec: This years Club Class will be flown with Hata fighters from Into The Wind. ITW wouldn’t give us much of a break on price so it will be a bit more epensive than usual, I believe Dave said $16. This is a great kite for beginner fighters so this is a good year to get started! (Plus it makes a pretty good stable single line flier with the included tail). NOTE: there is talk of moving the event to Sunday 30 Dec. If this matters to you one way or the other let Prez Dave know ASAP at Nope, Sticking with the 31st!!

When: usually early afternoon, a little earlier if you want to practice

Lunch: You are on your own today

Activity: Annual New Years Eve Day Fighter Kite Challenge. More details to follow but we generally have two classes of fighters. Club Class: everyone flies the same type of kite supplied by the Club for a small fee to cover costs. Open Class: Fight with your favorite fighter. Each class has a trophy.

October General Meeting

Saturday, October 13, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and supply lunch for the club? Let Iris know at

Activity:Halloween Line Laundry Contest. Best Halloween line laundry (by popular vote) wins a 7 foot Prism Zenith Delta. Check out October 2013 for an idea of what has happened previously if you are new to this.

October Indoor Fly

Friday, November 2, Alliant University, 7:30 – 9:30pmMap If You Need It
(next one is Nov 16)

Note The Weird Date!! This was rescheduled due to a conflict at the gym so we get to fly twice in November!

Don’t have an indoor kite? Come out anyway we will loan you something to try!

Don’t forget to pay your dues, you can even due it online on the EMF website. Although it is possible to pay per event ($10) it is extremely helpful it you can pay for the year upfront (the rental has to be paid upfront for the year). Start saving your allowance –  annual dues will be due soon. First timers get a Free Trial!

Much more info at their

November General Meeting

Saturday, November 10, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and supply lunch for the club? Let Iris know at

Activity: Practice for the New Years Eve Day Fighter Challenge
Update 10/18/18. We will be having a small Memorial Fly in honor of Carol Tye. Who is Carol Tye you ask? See this Story. Kelli and the Hummingbird Kites will be there.

November Indoor Fly

Friday, November 16, Alliant University, 7:30 – 9:30pmMap If You Need It
(next one is Dec 21)

Don’t have an indoor kite? Come out anyway we will loan you something to try!

Don’t forget to pay your dues, you can even due it online on the EMF website. Although it is possible to pay per event ($10) it is extremely helpful it you can pay for the year upfront (the rental has to be paid upfront for the year). Start saving your allowance –  annual dues will be due soon. First timers get a Free Trial!

Much more info at their

September Indoor Fly

Friday, September 28, Alliant University, 7:30 – 9:30pmMap If You Need It
(next one is Oct 26)

Don’t have an indoor kite? Come out anyway we will loan you something to try!

Don’t forget to pay your dues, you can even due it online on the EMF website. Although it is possible to pay per event ($10) it is extremely helpful it you can pay for the year upfront (the rental has to be paid upfront for the year). Start saving your allowance –  annual dues will be due soon. First timers get a Free Trial!

Much more info at their

August General Meeting

Saturday, August 11, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It     
FLASH UPDATE!! Check The Lunch Info!!

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Flash Update!! Bring Your Own Drinks, Snacks and Lunch For This Meeting!!!

Activity: Doubt anyone has thought this far ahead but flying kites will be involved. Hopefully some new post Brasington Workshop kites will be flying.

August Indoor Fly

Friday, August 24, Alliant University, 7:30 – 9:30pmMap If You Need It
(next one is Sept 28)

Don’t have an indoor kite? Come out anyway we will loan you something to try!

Don’t forget to pay your dues, you can even due it online on the EMF website. Although it is possible to pay per event it is very helpful it you can pay for the year upfront. First timers get a free trial!

Much more info at their

Dinner And A Rev

Thursday, September 20, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Thursday Evening, from whenever you can get there until we are done

Lunch: Lolly will be cooking, likely Hot Dogs and Brats. Expect to eat say 5 to 5:30pm or so.

Activity: From time to time Revolution treats the Club to dinner at the field. We Fly Revs, Eat, Fly Revs, talk about stuff, maybe see a sneak peek at what’s new at Rev. No set schedule here, get there when you can, leave when you have to.