November General Meeting

Saturday, November 11, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and arrange lunch for the club? Yes the Club will pay reasonable costs to cover lunch. Let Iris know at

Activity: Fly Kites, Eat, Talk Kites, Fly Kites


October General Meeting

Saturday, October 14, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and arrange lunch for the club? Yes the Club will pay reasonable costs to cover lunch. Let Iris know at

Activity: Fly Kites, Eat, Talk Kites, Fly Kites


October Indoor Fly

Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It


7:00 – 9:30pm

Things have been a bit unsettled at the gym lately but hopefully will smooth out soon.

We need new indoor flyers so come on out and give it a try!.

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to loan you.
Note: While there is a cost to fly indoors (we have pay for the rental of the facility) your first time is FREE!
Note2: For info on how to pay your indoor dues see the link above. Now is the time!

August Indoor Fly

Friday, August 28, 2023
Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
7:00 – 9:00pm

Things have been a bit unsettled at the gym lately but hopefully will smooth out soon.

We need new indoor flyers so come on out and give it a try!.

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to loan you.
Note: While there is a cost to fly indoors (we have pay for the rental of the facility) your first time is FREE!
Note2: For info on how to pay your indoor dues see the link above. Now is the time!

September General Meeting

Saturday, September 9, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and arrange lunch for the club? Yes the Club will pay reasonable costs to cover lunch. Let Iris know at

Activity: Fly Kites, Eat, Talk Kites, Fly Kites


September Indoor Fly

Friday, September 26, 2023
Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
8:00 – 10:00pm

Things have been a bit unsettled at the gym lately but hopefully will smooth out soon.

We need new indoor flyers so come on out and give it a try!.

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to loan you.
Note: While there is a cost to fly indoors (we have pay for the rental of the facility) your first time is FREE!
Note2: For info on how to pay your indoor dues see the link above. Now is the time!

June Indoor Fly

Friday, June 9, 2023
Alliant University Sports Center/Gym, Map If You Need It
7:45 – 10:15pm

Things have been a bit unsettled at the gym lately but hopefully will smooth out soon.

We need new indoor flyers so come on out and give it a try!.

We fly with the electric aircraft modelers. More info at EMF.Club

Don’t have an indoor kite yet? Don’t worry come out anyway, one of us will likely have a kite to loan you.
Note: While there is a cost to fly indoors (we have pay for the rental of the facility) your first time is FREE!
Note2: For info on how to pay your indoor dues see the link above. Now is the time!

June Monthly Meeting

Saturday, June 10, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay, Map If You Need It

Time: Fly All Day, Meeting Noon’ish Sharp

Lunch: Almost Certainly. Want to he a HERO and arrange lunch for the club? Yes the Club will pay reasonable costs to cover lunch. Let Iris know at

Activity: Fly Kites, Eat, Talk Kites, Fly Kites
In May we generally celebrate members who have passed with a small ceremony. If you have kites or line laundry that belonged to past members this is a great time to give them some airtime! Since May didn’t happen maybe you want to fly those kites now!

July Monthly Meeting

Saturday, July 8, Tecolote Shores, Mission Bay

Due to, uhmm, reasons the July meeting will be very informal. Many of the regulars are unavailable. However, some will be there and hopefully you will come out and fly for awhile too.

Turns out Over The Line on Fiesta Island is not until the next two weekends and should not be a factor.

Time: Fly All Day

Lunch: Plan to be on your own this month.

Activity: Fly Kites, Talk Kites, Fly Kites