Random Old Photos Part One

These photos are from a small collection that belonged to Virgil Dalton. These have been randomly selected for posting, more will follow in the future.

All captions supplied by the WebApprentice – if any corrections are needed or you have more information let me know. (Many of these are from before my time)


The Club poses under John Rogers Mega Cody Kite. John's motto - Go Big  or Go Home!

The Club poses under John Rogers Mega Cody Kite.  John’s motto – Go Big or Go Home! Pretty sure that is John front and center in the blue shirt.


And yes it does fly thank you very much.

And yes it does fly thank you very much.

A classic case of Vest Envy.

A classic case of Vest Envy.

The Mission Bay Old Farts   Flying Association Banner. A subset of SDKC who flew every afternoon at the kite field.

The Mission Bay Old Flying Farts and Associates Banner.  A subset of SDKC who flew every afternoon at the kite field. At least that is what I think it means, close anyway.

Pigs Away!! (See next photo)

Pigs Away!! (See next photo)


The backs of these photos say “Pig Parachute”, Frieda and Virgil (she named her pig after her husband?), May 1993

Sadly no info on these. Anyone? Anyone?Ron D reports these kite were/are owned by Don Johnston (not the Miami Vice Guy). The appliques  show the Corvette logo through its evolution. The kites are reportedly signed by Zora Arkus-Duntov, original designer of the Corvette.
Aren't they cute? Anyone? Anyone?

Aren’t they cute? Anyone? Anyone?

Tori Cable? Past President of SDKC Corrections Welcome

Tori Cable? Past President of SDKC Corrections Welcome

Once upon a time Ron D. tried to start up a one design for all banner that anyone could make. These were the first two, sadly no many more followed. Plans still available.

Once upon a time Ron D. tried to start up a mostly one design for all banner that anyone could make. These were the first two, sadly not many more followed. Plans still available.

I am not sure these two photos are directly SDKC related but too wacky to omit don't you think?

I am not sure these two photos are directly SDKC related but too wacky to omit don’t you think?

The backs are labeled "Anthony Crisafulli 03-92"

The backs are labeled “Anthony Crisafulli 03-92”


Judging by some other pictures to come another day this is Julia Roger's 11th birthday party 5-22-93. Corrections welcome.

Judging by some other pictures to come another day this is Julia Roger’s 11th birthday party 5-22-93. Corrections welcome.

If you have more information on these photos, have corrections to offer or more photos to share contact the WebApprentice at webapprentice@sandiegokiteclub.com