The Missing Banner

On a dark day so long ago it has almost been forgotten (late 2002) Walt T. left a beautiful banner behind when he went home after a monthly meeting. One of the last people to leave (who shall remain nameless, the statute of limitations may not be in effect yet) took the banner home for Walt. This shameless nameless person began to think that a small reward (ransom?) was in order. So that evening Walt was directed to a website called The Missing Banner.

The Missing Banner website no longer exists but has been recreated here (more or less) as a warning to others. Do Not Leave Your Stuff Behind. There might be a shameless nameless person around, but not this one!

Day 1

At this point Walt tried to waffle out of the reward ransom and the shameless nameless person began to torment Walt. Every day a new picture was posted to the website so Walt could see what he was missing.

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 2

News Flash! The Banner Has Been Sighted!!

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 3

‘You will have to look closely (ahem, darn shutter lag) but the banner is there!

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 4

Pack 394 Webelos Den – Soaring Eagles

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 5

The Penquins – Roller Hockey Is Our Game

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 6

It is called ‘Homecoming (the statue not the banner) but where is it located?

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 7

Good Place For A Hot Meal And Even An Amateur Sleuth Should Be Able To Find Out Where It Is.

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 8

‘Lucky Charms’ Kick Grass

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 9

‘…and it’s root, root, root for the hometeam’

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 10

A cool oasis on a hot day.

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 11

Walt’s Next Ride?

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 12

Okay, it’s back to the water thing. This fountain is in a real quiet spot. Except for maybe Halloween Night!

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 13

Walt, you left this beautiful banner behind?

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 14

Danka Headquarters, Irvine. Is there a penalty for transporting someone else’s banner across county lines?

By now is should be obvious that the shameless nameless person used to get around on a daily basis. Walt still hasn’t sprung for the reward and this is beginning to be a bit of a chore.

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 15

So close to home! I tried knocking.

Yep, Walt’s house!

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 16

‘… a buggy’n we will go..’

No that isnt the shameless nameless person just an innocent accomplice.

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 17

Don Diego Doffs His Sombrero To The Banner

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 18

The banner has earned the ‘Gray Dufus’ Seal Of Approval

Remember Gray Dufus? This picture might be a cheat, it is located very close to Day 17’s location. Might have been a return visit with parts. Ooops, that might be TMI.

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 19

Go Chargers! Go Chargers! Please!

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 20

The Banner Goes Abroad

Okay this one might be a cheat too but it’s been 20 days people!!

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 21

The ‘Lost Banner’ Pauses For Reflection At The Memorial for ‘Lost Fisherman’.

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 22

The Box At Jack In The Box Headquarters. Tried To Get Jack In The Picture But He Was In A Big Meeting With Wendy And Ronald

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 23

The Developmental Services Continuum, Inc. Annual Pancake Breakfast Is Held At The Lakeside Historical Society Building.

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 24

The ‘Lost Banner’ Seems To Be Forming A Psychic Bond With Lost Souls. In This Case With Lost Merchant Marines. Any Guesses Where It Is? (Bet A Nickel You Have Walked By It.)

After An Unusually Hard Couple Of Weeks The Banner Took A Day Off

Okay this one seems like a cheat but its been 25 days people and it is one of my favorites

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 26

A Really Famous San Diegan. Well maybe not, but when he wrote ‘WE’ part of him was from San Diego.

 Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 27

The banner goes abroad again. Or did it? A Japanese Friendship Bell in San Diego? Do you know why this is here?

Travels With Walt’s Banner Day 28

Is this the last Banner Picture before Waldo and the Banner are reunited? Lets hope so! Incidentally this is really close to the Lost Merchant Marine Memorial.

And so the adventure/saga ends. The next day was Kite Club Day and Walter and the banner were reunited. The shameless nameless person only received partial payment from Walt but was happy to get it and give back the banner. A cute (I hope) harmless joke that came pretty close to being a backfire. What a chore.

So San Diegans, how many locations can you identify?

Walt, I haven’t seen that Banner in a while, didnt misplace it again did you?

Okay the first person to get this far and contact the Web Apprentice by email gets a small prize at the next meeting. There might be a second place drawing for a consolation prize for anybody who isnt first. Maybe, depending on time available.  Contest is over, Ron D and Monica F went home with swell 7 cell Tetrahedron Kites.