Sadly this event has officially been cancelled due to the expected bad weather. Next Year!
Saturday, 9 April, Embarcadero Marina Park North (Seaport Village)
4-7PM, Map If You Need It .
Once again SDKC has been asked to take part in the Fan For Life event at Seaport Village. Funds raised by Fan For Life provide food, housing, and emergency aid to 2500 San Diegans who wait on the list for an organ donation.
This event is not about us flying and showing off our kites. Instead the focus is on helping kids and families decorate, build, and fly Frustrationless Flyers. And of course, helping keep them in the air and general kite wrangling. We also try to keep the kite building sponsors kite in the air (UCSD Health Services, an 8′ ROK) ,
This is Kite Club day so if you do both events if will be a long but rewarding day. The more volunteers we can get the easier it is for all.
If you can help out let Dave know at
Pictures from previous years can be found here and here
Fan For Life Website is here