Skylines Archive

Here is a list of Skyline Newsletters that the WebApprentice has acquired from Virgil Dalton, John Rogers, and Rick Spurgeon. The hope is to slowly upload scanned PDF versions of any and all copies that can be obtained before our 25th Anniversary in July 2015.

It is a pretty good start but if you old timers, and you know who you are, could search your closets, under your beds, garages, kite caves, and where ever else you hide stuff to fill in the gaps that would be awesome.

If you want them back I will scan them, upload them, and return them. Otherwise I will add them to my collection.

As you can see from the list available copies start in what would appear to be the second year of the newsletter. Surely someone has earlier ones hidden somewhere.

Thanks For Whatever Help You Can Provide and Hope YouEnjoy,
The WebApprentice

Issues On Hand

   Month/Year           Issue as Labeled

 July 1990                   First (Reprint)                Posted 02/28/15

Oct 1990                                                          Posted 04/08/15

Dec 1990                   Volume 5                       Posted 04/08/15

Jan 1991                    Volume 6                       Posted 04/08/15

Mar 1991                                                           Posted 04/08/15

May 1991                    Volume 1, Issue 11        Posted 04/08/15

Jun/Jul 1991               Volume 1, Issue 12       Posted 04/08/15

Sept/Oct 1991           Volume 2, Issue 1          Posted 02/16/15

Nov/Dec 1991           Volume 2, Issue 2           Posted 02/19/15


1st Quarter 1992      Volume 3, Issue 1           Posted 02/19/15

May/Jun  1992          Volume 3, Issue 2           Posted 02/19/15

Jul/Aug   1992           Volume 3, Issue 3           Posted 02/19/15

Sep/Oct  1992           Volume 3, Issue 4          Posted 02/19/15

Nov/Dec 1992           Volume 3, Issue 5           Posted 02/19/15


Jan/Feb 1993           Volume 4, Issue 1           Posted 02/19/15

Mar/Apr 1993            Volume 4, Issue 2          Posted 02/19/15

May/Jun 1993           Volume 4, Issue 3           Posted 02/28/15

Sep/Oct 1993            Volume 3, Issue 4          Posted 02/28/15
(guessing Volume 4!)

Nov/Dec 1993           Volume 3, Issue 5           Posted 02/28/15
(4 again?)

 Jan/Feb  1994          Volume 4, Issue 1           Posted 02/28/15
(must be Volume 5)

Mar/Apr  1994           Volume 5, Issue 2           Posted 02/28/15
(back on track!)

May/Jun  1994          Volume 5, Issue 3           Posted 02/28/15

Jul/Aug   1994          Volume 5, Issue 4            Posted 02/28/15

Sep/Oct  1994           Volume 5, Issue 5          Posted 02/28/15

Nov/Dec 1994           Volume 5, Issue 6           Posted 02/28/15


Jan/Feb 1995           Volume 6, Issue 1            Posted 03/08/15

Mar/Apr 1995            Volume 6, Issue 2           Posted 03/08/15

May/Jun 1995           Volume 6, Issue 3           Posted 03/08/15

Aug        1995            Volume 6, Issue 4          Posted 03/08/15

Oct         1995            Volume 6, Issue 5         Posted 03/08/15

Dec        1995            Volume 6, Issue 6         Posted 03/08/15


Feb        1996            Volume 7, Issue 1         Posted 03/08/15

Apr         1996            Volume 7, Issue 2         Posted 03/08/15

June      1996            Volume 7, Issue 3          Posted 03/08/15

Aug        1996            Volume 7, Issue 4         Posted 03/08/15

Oct         1996            Volume 7, Issue 5        Posted 03/08/15

Dec        1996            Volume 7, Issue 4         Posted 03/08/15
(must be 6)

Feb        1997            Volume 7, Issue 5         Posted 03/12/15
(really Volume 8, Issue 1)

Apr         1997            Volume 8, Issue 2         Posted 03/12/15

Jun        1997            Volume 8, Issue 3          Posted 03/12/15

Aug        1997            Volume 8, Issue 4          Posted 03/12/15

Oct        1997            Volume 8, Issue 5          Posted 03/12/15

Dec        1997            Volume 8, Issue 6          Posted 03/12/15


Feb        1998            Volume 9, Issue 1          Posted 03/12/15

Apr         1998            Volume 9, Issue 2          Posted 03/19/15

Jun/Jul   1998             Volume 9, Issue 3         Posted 03/12/15

Any More 1998 Issues??


Jan        1999            Volume 10, Issue 1          Poster 03/19/15

Any missing issues here??

Jun        1999            Volume 10, Issue 2          Poster 03/19/15

Sep        1999            Volume 10, Issue 3          Poster 03/19/15

Nov        1999            Volume 10, Issue 4          Poster 03/19/15


Mar        2000            Volume 11, Issue 1          Poster 03/19/15

May        2000            Volume 11, Issue 2          Poster 03/19/15

Nov        2000            Volume 11, Issue 3          Poster 03/19/15


Missing Issue??

Mar        2001            Volume 10, Issue 2          Poster 03/19/15
(must be Volume 12)

Jun        2001            Volume 10, Issue 3          Poster 03/19/15

Sep        2001            Volume 10, Issue 3          Poster 03/19/15
                                     (must be Issue 4)


Was Sep 2001 really the last issue??